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Resource consents - Interested neighbour

Fill in this form if you’d like to know if your neighbour applies for resource consent. You will receive an email to confirm that you have been registered.  If your neighbour makes a resource consent application, we will email you or send a letter.

We won’t inform you if your neighbour is doing work and resource consent is not required.

Registering as an interested neighbour doesn’t mean that you are an “affected party” under the (Resource Management Act) RMA. Being an affected party means that a proposal can’t go ahead without your approval but this decision is at the planner’s discretion

You can also sign up to receive email notifications when we update the website with recent resource consents.

Your contact details and address
This question requires a valid email address.
Please write a short summary, or attach a separate document below
Attach a document (if desired)You can upload these file types: doc, docx, pdf or txt. You can attach up to two documents of up to 1MB in size.